For Zoomplayer a filter can be installed (Gabest AC3), but a separate DTS decoder is still needed. Ffdshow contains such a decoder, but setting up this mapping in advanced options -> customized media playback -> source filters and splitters didn't help. Zoomplayer keeps displaying the "An ERROR has occured!" messagebox when trying to play the WAV DTS file.
Foobar2000 used to have an additional component, foo_dts.dll, that could be downloaded from the site, but it is no longer available. I was unable to find out why it is no longer supplied. After searching the internet I found a version of the library, but foobar2000 0.9.5 refused to load it, reporting that it was an outdated version.
A player that can play them out-of-the-box is VLC player. This player has a built-in filter and decoder to play WAV DTS files. It can also transcode files, e.g. to MP3 format, but when I use it on a WAV DTS file, the program terminates unexpectedly.
So, in the end, I was unable to find a "one-click" solution. Here is how I finally managed to convert a WAV DTS file into a MP3 file:
For the example, I use a WAV DTS file named c:\wavdts.wav
- Download BeSplit ( I used version 0.9b6.2.
- Extract the zip file to c:\
- Start BeSliced.exe
- Drag and drop wavdts.wav onto the besliced canvas
- Select "DTS" when asked to select a format
BeSplit is now ripping the DTS stream from the WAV DTS file.
To use BeSplit without BeSliced, execute this command at the command prompt:
BeSplit.exe -core( -input c:\wavdts.wav -fix -logfile C:\BeSliced.txt -type dtswav -output c:\wavdts_Fixed.dts ) -profile( BeSliced v0.3 )
A file called c:\wavdts_Fixed.dts is created. - Download DTSDec ( I used version
- Extract the zip file to c:\
- Execute this command at the command prompt:
dtsdec -o wav > regularwav.wav wavdts_Fixed.dts.
DTSDec is now transcoding multi-channel DTS to a regular two-channel WAV file called regularwav.wav - Use your favorite MP3 converting tools, e.g. AudioGrabber with LAME, to convert this WAV file to a MP3 file.