Solution to messages like
warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move 'c:\progra~1\php\upload_tmp\php525F.tmp' to '' in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\drupal\includes\ on line 244."
when trying to upload images to Drupal 5.3.
Perform or check these steps (I'm using Vista and IIS7):
1) Create temporary upload folder for php
php must have an upload folder to be able to upload files. Create one called upload_tmp under the install root of php. So if php is installed here:
then the full path to the upload folder will be:
2) Change php.ini
Change the settings to the following values:
file_uploads = On
upload_tmp_dir = "c:\progra~1\php\upload_tmp"
upload_max_filesize = 2M
3) Create temporary preview and upload folder for Drupal
Drupal must also have an upload and preview folder to be able to upload and preview files.
Create the following folders under the drupal root.
So if drupal is installed here:
then the full path to the upload and preview folders will be:
In my case it worked without setting permissions on these folders, but if it doesn't, you can try giving the web service user access.
Give user IUSR permission to read/write on these folders:
- Right click folder- Properties -> security -> edit -> add -> advanced -> find now
- Select IUSR, ok
- Select full control, ok, ok
4a) Change drupal settings (upload module)
Activate the upload module:
In Administer -> Site building -> Modules, activate module Upload
4b) Change drupal settings (folders)
In Administer -> Site configuration -> File system, set the following values:
File system path: files
Temporary directory: files/tmp
The temporary directory must be a subfolder of the file system path folder!
Now the upload should work.
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