Pass table-valued parameter from VB.Net

1) Create table type itemtabletype for a table with one, unique clustered column called "item":

create type itemtabletype
as table (
item nvarchar(30) not null,
primary key clustered (item)

2) Create a procedure cst_testtabletype that has itemtable type as a table-valued input parameter:

create procedure cst_testtabletype
( @tv itemtabletype readonly )
declare @itemcount int = 0
select @itemcount = count(*) from @tv
select concat('succesfully parsed item ',item) from @tv

The procedure returns all items provided in the table-valued parameter prefixed with the words "successfully parsed item ".

3) Give execution rights to user(s) and/or groups that are allowed to execute the procedure and table type:

grant exec on type::itemtabletype to [User]
grant exec on cst_testtabletype to [User]

4) Finally, create the following test routine  in VB.Net:

    Public Sub Start()

        'create data table
        Dim Table1 As DataTable

        'create a table named tmptbl
        Table1 = New DataTable("tmptbl")

        Dim row As DataRow


            'declare a column named item
            Dim item As DataColumn = New DataColumn("item")

            'setting the datatype for the column
            item.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")

            'adding the column to table

            'declaring a new row
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 1 To 1000
                row = Table1.NewRow()
                row.Item("item") = i


        End Try

        'establishing connection. you need to provide password for SQL server
        Dim myConnection = New SqlConnection()

        myConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=mySQLServer;Database=myDB;Trusted_Connection=True;"



            Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("cst_testtabletype", myConnection)

            ' the table-valued parameter is called @tv for cst_testtabletype
            Dim myparam As SqlParameter = myCommand.Parameters.Add("@tv", SqlDbType.Structured)
            'create parameter
            myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
            myparam.Value = Table1

            Dim dr As SqlDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
            While dr.Read()
            End While

        Catch ex As SqlException


        End Try

    End Sub

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