Oracle JDBC connections

The following JDBC drivers exist for Oracle:

  • classes111.jar: Java 1.1
  • classes12.jar: 1.2 and 1.3
  • ojdbc14.jar: 1.4 and 1.5 (no JDBC3 and 4 features)
  • ojdbc5.jar: 1.5
  • ojdbc6.jar: 1.6

Java 1.5 = Java JRE/SE 5 and Java 1.6 = Java JRE/SE 6. Additional jar files are required for some features.

All the classes to support basic functionality for the Thin and OCI drivers are inside the same jar. In short, for simplification, the same file contains both the thin and the thick (=OCI) classes.

Joe Weinstein on
The jar is all of the thin driver and the java portion of the OCI driver. In order to
run in OCI mode, you would use this same jar, giving it the OCI URL instead of the thin
URL, and you would have to have the whole Oracle client installed on your machine,
and your OS environment set up to point to the OCI DLLs as well as the standard C
libraries. Note that the version of the OCI libraries that works with one driver jar
may not work with another driver jar, so if you go the OCI route, you may have to
install a whole new OCI client just to get a particular driver fix.
Thick URL: jdbc:oracle:oci8:@<database_name>
The database_name is the Net Service name of a mapping in tnsnames.ora.

Thin URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server>:1521:<database_name>
The database_name is the database name part of the database service on the (remote) server. E.g. Windows service "OracleServiceORCL", then the database_name is "ORCL".

Oracle released different versions for each driver, eg. or

To get the different versions, download the Oracle Instant Client of choice from the Oracle website and extract the ojdbc.jar files to one folder. Rename them using the version. This makes testing or switching easy:


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