IE7 enable tabbed browsing

You can enable tabbed browsing in Internet Explorer 7 by using a menu command:

Tools -> Internet Options -> Tab: settings -> select Enable Tabbed Browsing.

However, sometimes this is not enough, for example because the domain administrator has "disabled" tabbed browsing using a registry key. You can enable it by putting the next registry entry in a .reg text file (e.g. c:\tabbrowse.reg) and executing it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
... or you can set the DWord keyvalue to 0 by hand.

If the key value gets restored every time you log in to your system, you could add the execution of registry file to the startup folder:

- create a bat file, e.g. tabbrowse.bat
- add the following line to the bat file: regedit /s c:\tabbrowse.reg
- add the bat file to the startup folder